For a lot of people, they hear “addict” and there’s a certain image that comes to mind. A lot of times thats the junkie with the scraggly beard living under a bridge and the paper sack. News Flash – drugs and alcohol don’t discriminate. Addicts come in all shapes and sizes and job professions. Teachers, lawyers, nurses, CEOs – we’ve seen it all.
In this video, Nate & Tommy talk about releasing that stigma of addiction and what an addict “looks like” to understand that addiction can affect you or your loved ones no matter what you look like, where you come from, or what your job or education background may be. Addiction does not care about those things.
Take a listen and ask your questions below or visit our website for more information on treatment:

About Bare Knuckle Recovery
Tommy and Nate have been bareknuckle brawling with this disease known as addiction. As addicts in recovery, they are sharing their experiences and advice to recovering addicts all over the world. Tommy and Nate are both counselors at Fort Wayne Recovery, a drug and alcohol treatment center in Fort Wayne, IN as well as at Allendale Treatment, a detox center in Fort Wayne. Bare Knuckle Recovery is their online vlog dedicated to free educational content about addiction for individuals and their families who struggle with addiction all over the world.