U.S. overdose deaths hit a record 93,000+ in 2020. 70% of those deaths had Fentanyl in their systems.
This August, during International Overdose Awareness Month, lets work together to end the stigma around substance abuse. We cannot afford to be quiet about it. People are dying from drug-related overdoses at an alarming rate and we need to talk about it. Help is available. Join the conversation on our Facebook page or send us a message here. We’re here and listening.

About Bare Knuckle Recovery
Tommy and Nate have been bareknuckle brawling with this disease known as addiction. As addicts in recovery, they are sharing their experiences and advice to recovering addicts all over the world. Tommy and Nate are both counselors at Fort Wayne Recovery, a drug and alcohol treatment center in Fort Wayne, IN as well as at Allendale Treatment, a detox center in Fort Wayne. Bare Knuckle Recovery is their online vlog dedicated to free educational content about addiction for individuals and their families who struggle with addiction all over the world.